Framed Claude Monet water-lilies 1914
with FN5
Large canvas framed oil paintings of
Claude Monet water-lilies 1914
from $94.11
Frame #FN5 (Width: 2.5 inch, Material: Wood Fibre) from $77.89
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A Cart On The Snow Covered Road With Saint Simeon Farm
A Cart on the Snow Covered Road with Saint-Simeon Farm
A Corner of the Apartment
A Corner of the Studio
A Field of Californian Poppies
A Meadow
A Palm Tree at Bordighera
A Spot On The Banks Of The Seine
A Windmill at Zaandam
A Woman Reading
Agapanthus 2
Alice Hoschede in the Garden
Amsterdam in the Snow
An Interior after Dinner
An Orchard in Spring
Antibes Afternoon Effect
Antibes and the Maritime Alps
Antibes in the Morning
Antibes Seen from the Cape Mistral Wind
Antibes Seen from the Salis Gardens 1
Antibes Seen from the Salis Gardens 2
Apple Trees in Bloom at Giverny
Apple Trees In Blossom
Apple Trees in Blossom by the Water
Apple Trees near Vetheuil
Apple Trees on the Chantemesle Hill
Argenteuil Seen from the Small Arm of the Seine 2
At Cap d'Antibes Mistral Wind
At Les Petit-Dalles
Autumn at Argenteuil
Autumn Effect At Argenteuil
Autumn on the Seine at Argenteuil
Autumn on the Seine, Argenteuil
Avenue in Giverny
Bank of the Seine V theuil
Bank of the Seine Vetheuil
Banks of the Seine
Bathing at la Grenouilliere 1869
Beach at Honlfeux
Beach in Juan-les-Pins
Bed of Chrysanthemums
Bend in the River Epte
Bennecourt 1
Bennecourt 2
Blue Water Lilies
Boat at Low Tide at Fecamp
Boaters at Argenteuil
Boating On The River Epte
Boats in the Port of Honfleur
Borgo Marina at Bordighera
Boulevard des Capucines
Boulevard Des Capucines I
Boulevard St Deni Argenteuil Snow Effect
Branch of the Seine near Giverny
Breakup of Ice Grey Weather
Bridge over a Pool of Water Lilies
By the Sea
Camille At The Window
Camille Monet at the Window Argentuil
Camille Monet in Japanese Costume
Camille Monet in the Garden
Camille Monet with a child 1875
Canal In Amsterdam
Champ de tulipes en hollande
Chemin dans les Bles a Pourville
Chrysanthemums 1
Chrysanthemums 2
Chrysanthemums 3
Chrysanthemums 4
Church at Varengeville against the Sunset
Church at Vetheuil Snow
Cliffs Near Dieppe
Cliffs near Dieppe 2
Corn Poppies
Corner of a Studio
Custom Officer's Cabin at Varengville
Edge of the Cliff at Pourville
Entering the Village of Vetheuil in Winter
Etretat Sunset
Etretat The End of the Day
Evening at Argenteuil
Evening Effect of the Seine
Evening in the Meadow at Giverny
Farm near Honfleur
Farmyard in Normandy
Field of Corn
Field of Poppies
Field Of Poppies, Giverny
Field of Tulips in Holland
Fields of Bezons
Fields of Flowers and Windmills near Leiden
Fishing Boats
Fishing Boats at Pourville
Floating Ice Near Vetheuil
Flood at Giverny
Flower Beds At Vetheuil
Flowers at Vetheuil
Flowers in a Pot
Fog Effect
Fruit Basket with Apples and Grapes
Fruit Trees
Garden At Argenteuil Aka The Dahlias
Garden In Flower At Sainte-Adresse
Garden Path at Giverny
Gardener's House at Antibes
General View Of Rouen From St Catherine s Bank
Girls In A Boat
Giverny in Springtime
Grainstacks at Chailly at Sunrise
Grainstacks At The End Of Summer Evening Effect
Grainstacks At The End Of Summer Morning Effect
Grainstacks In The Sunlight Midday
Grainstacks_ Snow Effect
Grainstacks_ Sunset
Grainstacks_ White Frost Effect
Hauling a Boat Ashore Honfleur
Haystack At Giverny
Haystack at Giverny
Haystack at Giverny
Haystack snow effect
Haystacks At Chailly
Haystacks at Giverny the evening sun
Haystacks at Giverny 2
Haystacks at Giverny 3
Haystacks, sunset
Houses at Argenteuil
Houses in the Snow
Houses of Parliament
Houses of Parliament London
Houses of Parliament Seagulls
Houses of Parliament Stormy Sky
Houses of Parliament Sunset 2
Houses of Parliament Westminster
Hyde Park London
Ice Thawing on the Seine
Impression Sunrise
In the Meadow
In The Rowing Boat
In The Woods At Giverny
In The Woods At Giverny
Irises in Monet's Garden
Irises in Monets Garden
Isleets at Port-Villez
Jeanne-Marguerite Lecadre in the Garden
L'Ally Point Low Tide
La Grenouillere
La Japonaise
La Porte D Amount Etretat
Landscape at Giverny
Landscape at Port-Villez
Landscape on the Ile Saint-Martin
Landscape With Thunderstorm
Lane In The Poppy Fields
Le bassin aux nympheas
Le Pave de Chailly
Le Rue de La Bavolle at Honfleur 2
Lemon-Trees Bordighera
Les iris jaunes 1824
Lighthouse at the Hospice
Lilacs Grey Weather
London Boats on the Thames
London Houses of Parliament at Sunset
Low Tide at Pourville
Luncheon on the Grass
Luncheon on the Grass_ Center Panel
Main Path through the Garden at Giverny
Meadow at Bezons
Meadow at Limetz
Meadow in the Sun
Meadow with Poplars
Meadows at Giverny
Mill near Zaandam
Monet Purple Poppies
Monet Spring Flowers
Monet The Luncheon
Monet The Waterlily Pond
Monet Water Lillies I
Monet's Garden at argenteuil
Monet's Garden at Argentueil
Monet's Garden at Vetheuil
Monet's Garden at Vetheuil 1881
Monte Carlo Seen from Roquebrune
Morning Landscape Giverny
Mountains at l'Esterel
Nympheas Waterlilies
Oat and Poppy Field 2
Oat Field
Olive Trees in Bordighera
On the Coast at Trouville
Open Sea
Palazzo da Mula at Venice
Path along the Water-Lily Pond
Path at Giverny
Pathway in Monet's Garden at Giverny
Pond at Montgeron
Pond of Waterlilies
Poplars on the Banks of the Epte
Poplars on the Epte
Poppies at Giverny
Poppy Field
Poppy Field Argenteuil
Poppy Field Giverny
Poppy Field Giverny 2
Poppy Field In A Hollow Near Giverny
Poppy Field in Giverny
Poppy Field near Vetheuil
Poppy Landscape
Promenade Near Argenteuil
Regatta At Argenteuil
River Scene at Bennecourt
Riverbank at Argenteuil
Road in a Forest
Rough Sea
Rough Sea At Etretat
Rue Montargueil with Flags
Sailing At Argenteuil
Sailing At Sainte-Adresse
San Giorgio Maggiore 2
Section of the Seine near Giverny
Ships in Harbor
Small Arm of the Seine at Mosseaux
Small Country Farm in Bordighera
Snow at Argenteuil
Snow Effect at Limetz
Snow Effect With Setting Sun
Spring 1880
Spring Flowers
Spring Landscape
Springtime 1
Springtime At Giverny
Springtime Landscape at Giverny
Springtime through the Branches
Steep Cliffs At Dieppe
Still Life Apples And Grapes
Still Life with Bottles
Still Life with Bottles Carafe Bread and Wine
Still Life With Melon
Stiller Winkel im Garten von Montgeron
Stormy Seascape
Strada Romana in Bordighera
Street in Sainte-Adresse
Stroll At The Rocks Of Pourville
Sun Setting Over The Seine At Lavacourt
Sunlight effect poplars
Sunlight on the Petit Cruese
Sunset on the Seine at Lavacourt Winter Effect
Sunset on the Seine in Winter
Taking a Walk on the Cliffs of Sainte-Adresse
Tea Set
Terrace at St Adresse
The Afternoon Meal
The Artist Garden at Vetheuil
The Artist's Family in the Garden
The Artist's House at Argenteuil
The Avenue
The Banks of the River Epte in Spring
The Banks of the Seine
The Banks of the Seine at Argenteuil
The Banks of the Seine at the Argenteuil Bridge
The Banks of the Seine Ile de la Grande Jatte
The Banks of The Seine in Autumn
The Basin at Argenteuil
The Beach At Sainte-Adresse
The Blue House at Zaandam
The Boats Regatta At Argenteuil
The Boulevard de Pontoise at Argenteuil Snow Effect
The Boulevard des Capuchine
The Bridge at Argenteuil
The Cape Martin
The Church At Vetheuil
The Church Of Vernon In The Mist
The Coast at Sainte-Adresse
The Corner of the Garden at Montgeron
The Custom House Morning Effect
The Dinner
The Esterel Mountains
The Fields of Poppies
The Fisherman's House at Varengeville
The Flood of the Seine at Vetheuil
The Flowered Arches at Giverny
The Flowered Garden
The Fonds at Varengeville
The Footbridge over the Water-Lily Pone
The Garden
The Garden at Argenteuil
The Garden at Giverny
The Garden Gladioli
The garden in flower
The Garden of the Princess
The Gorge at Varengeville
The Hamlet of Falaise near Giverny
The House among the Roses 2
The House on the River Zaan in Zaandam
The House Seen through the Roses
The Ice-Floes
The Iris Garden at Giverny
The Japanese Bridge 01
The Japanese Bridge 02
The Japanese Bridge 09
The Japanese Bridge 10
The Japanese Bridge 11
The Japanese Bridge 12
The Luncheon
The Magpie
The Main Path at Giverny
The Marina At Argenteuil
The Meditarranean at Antibes 1
The Moreno Garden at Bordighera
The Olive Tree Wood in the Moreno Garden
The Palazzo Ducale
The Parc Monceau Paris 1
The Parc Monceau Paris 2
The Parc Monceau Paris 3
The Park at Monceau
The Path at Giverny
The Path at La Cavee Pourville
The Path through the Irises
The Path under the Rose Trellises Giverny
The Petite Bras of the Seine at Argenteuil
The Picnic
The Pink Skiff
The Plain of Colombes White Frost
The Pond at Montgeron 1
The Poppy Field Near Giverny
The Portal of Rouen Cathedral at Midday
The Reader
The Red Boats
The Red Boats Argenteuil
The Red Cape
The Red Cape (Madame Monet)
The Red House
The River
The River Bennecourt
The River Epte
The River Epte at Giverny
The Riverside Path at Argenteuil
The Road and the House
The Road Bridge at Argenteuil
The Road Bridge at Argenteuil 1
The Road from Vetheuil
The Road in Vetheuil in Winter
The Road To Chailly
The Road to Monte Carlo
The Rocks at Pourville_ Low Tide
The Rocks Of Belle-Lle
The Rose Bush
The Rouen Cathedral at Twilight
The Row Boat
The Sea and the Alps
The Sea At Fecamp
The Sea at Saint Adresse
The Sea in Antibes
The Seine and the Chaantemesle Hills
The Seine At Argenteuil
The Seine at Argenteuil 1
The Seine At Argenteuil I
The Seine at Asnieres
The Seine at Bennecourt in Winter
The Seine At Bougival
The Seine At Lavacourt
The Seine at Le Petit Gennevilliers
The Seine at Port Villez
The Seine at Port Villez Snow Effect
The Seine at Port-Villes Clear Weather
The Seine At Port-Villez
The Seine At Rouen
The Seine at Rouen 1
The Seine at Rouen 2
The Seine at Rouen I
The Seine at Vetheuil 2
The Seine at Vetheuil 3
The Seine at Vetheuil 4
The Seine at Vetheuil 5
The Seine Below Rouen
The Seine Estuary At Honfleur
The Seine near Giverny 1
The Seine near Giverny 2
The Seine near Giverny 3
The Seine near Vetheuil Stormy Weather
The Sheltered Path
The Shoot
The Steps at Vetheuil
The Studio Boat
The Studio Boat 2
The Thames And The Houses Of Parliament
The Thames below Westminster
The Towpath at Granval
The Tuileries
The Turkeys
The Val de Falaise
The Valley Of Falaise
The Valley of Sasso
The Valley of Sasso Bordighera 1
The Valley of Sasso Bordighera 2
The Valley of Sasso Sunshine
The Valley of the Scie at Pouville
The Village of Lavacourt
The Voorzaan
The Walk Argenteuil
The Water Lily Pond
The Water Lily Pond Pink Harmony
The Water-Lily Pond left side
The Water-Lily Pond 1
The Water-Lily Pond 10
The Water-Lily Pond 2
The Water-Lily Pond 3
The Water-Lily Pond 4
The Water-Lily Pond 6
The Water-Lily Pond 8
The Water-Lily Pond 9
The Water-Lily Pond and Bridge
The Waterloo Bridge The Fog
The Willow
The Windmill on the Onbekende Canal Amsterdam
The Woman With The Parasol
The women in the Garden
The Zaan at Zaandam 1
The Zaan at Zaandam 2
Three Fishing Boats
Three Pots of Tulips
Three Trees in Autumn
Tow Path at Lavacourt
Train In The Country
Tree in Flower near Vetheuil
Trees by the Seashore at Antibes
Trees in Winter View of Bennecourt
Tulip Fields With The Rijnsburg Windmill
Two Anglers
Two Trees in a Meadow
Under the Lemon Trees
Under the Pine Trees at the End of the Day
Valley of the Creuse Afternoon Sunlight
Valley of the Creuse Sunlight Effect
Vase Of Flowers
Venice The Doge Palace
Venice Twilight
Venice Twilight Dusk
Vetheuil Afternoon
Vetheuil at Sunset
Vetheuil Flowering Plum Trees
Vetheuil In Summer
Vetheuil in the Fog
Vetheuil in the Summer
Vetheuil in Winter
Vetheuil Pink Effect
Vetheuil Seen from Ile Saint Martin
View At Rouelles, Le Havre
View of Antibes from the Notre-Dame
View of Argenteuil in the Snow
View of Bordighera
View of Rouen
View of the Bay and Maritime Alps at Antibes
View of the Voorzaan
View of Ventimiglia
View of Vetheuil
View of Vetheuil 1
View Over The Seas
View Taken from Greinval
View Taken near Ventimiglia
Villas at Bordighera 1
Villas at Bordighera 2
Voorzan near Zaandam
Water Lilies
Water Lilies 13
Water Lilies 1903
Water Lilies 1914
Water Lilies I
Water Lilies The Clouds
water lily
Water Lily Pond
Water-Lilies 02
Water-Lilies 03
Water-Lilies 04
Water-Lilies 05
Water-Lilies 06
Water-Lilies 07
Water-Lilies 08
Water-Lilies 1917
Water-Lilies 20
Water-Lilies 21
Water-Lilies 22
Water-Lilies 23
Water-Lilies 24
Water-Lilies 25
Water-Lilies 26
Water-Lilies 27
Water-Lilies 28
Water-Lilies 29
Water-Lilies 30
Water-Lilies 31
Water-Lilies 32
Water-Lilies 33
Water-Lilies 34
Water-Lilies 35
Water-Lilies 36
Water-Lilies 37
Water-Lilies 38
Water-Lilies 39
Water-Lilies 40
Water-Lilies 41
Water-Lilies 42
Water-Lilies 43
Water-Lilies 44
Water-Lilies 46
Water-Lilies 47
Water-Lilies left
Water-Lilies right
Water-Lily Pond at Giverny
Waterloo Bridge Misty Morning
Waterloo Bridge Sunlight Effect 1
Waterloo Bridge Sunlight Effect 2
Waterloo Bridge Sunlight Effect 3
Waterloo Bridge Sunlight Effect 4
Waterloo Bridge Sunlight in the Fog
Waves and Rocks at Pourville
Waves Breaking
Weeping Willow
Weeping Willow 1
Weeping Willow 2
Weeping Willow 3
Weeping Willow 4
Weeping Willow 5
Weeping Willow and Water-Lily Pond 1
Weeping Willow and Water-Lily Pond 2
Weeping Willow and Water-Lily Pond 3
Wheatstacks End of Summer
White Frost
Wild Poppies Near Argenteuil
Willows in Spring
Windmill at Zaandam 1
Windmill at Zaandam 2
Windmills at Haaldersbroek Zaandam
Winter At Giverny
Winter on the Seine Lavacourt
Winter Sun Lavacourt
Wisteria 1
Wisteria 2
Woman In A Green Dress
Woman Seated under the Willows
Woman Sitting in a Garden
Woman Sitting under the Willows
Woman under the Willows
Woman with a Paraso Facing Right
Woman with a Parasol
Woman with a Parasol 1
Wood Lane
Yachts at Argenteuil
Yellow Irises 1
Yellow Irises 2
Young Girls in a Row Boat
Zaandam 2